Aussie rapper Iggy Azalea strolled the red carpet in an eye catching black gown during the MTV Europe Music Awards on Sunday (Nov 11) in Amsterdam, Holland. Her dress may have been a little bit too sexy though because according to reports, she accidentally flashed her genitals as photographers snapped away. The word is she was adjusting her beige thong under the sleek garb when she gave onlookers a surprise. She laughed off the awkward moment.
Later that night, she appeared on stage during Robin Thicke’s set in surprise collaboration.
"By the time the second verse rolled around, Thicke gave the crowd a surprise when he made way for Australia-born rapper Iggy Azalea. "You the hottest b*tch in this place," he shouted before Iggy appeared on cue, wearing metallic knee-high boots and a matching top and short skirt to keep the set's visual theme," reports MTV.
Watch the entire performance below: