Top 5 Andre 3000 Feature Verses

Andre 3000 (Andre Benjamin) has been consistently killing verses since the early days of Outkast. However, the duo’s hiatus has been no obstacle for Mr. Benjamin as the last few years have allowed him the opportunity to showcase his dexterity in an accompanying role, with features for artists like Beyonce, Young Jeezy, and John Legend. We’ve selected five of these verses that truly stand out.

Sixteen – Rick Ross

“Sixteen” ??? Rick Ross

I played this track for my father a couple weeks ago. He’s a 53-year-old classic rock fanatic, who probably wouldn’t know a Rick Ross song if it fell on him (which is a hell of a lot better than having Rick Ross himself fall on you). Before “Sixteen” was over my dad was already downloading the album. Mr. Benjamin’s 64-bar verse (yes, 64) cruises through a variety of creative flows, narrating the story of his upbringing. By journeying personal experiences that include self-esteem woes, heartbreak, and a struggle to provide for his family, he has crafted a masterfully woven autobiography.

Pink Matter – Frank Ocean

“Pink Matter” ??? Frank Ocean

The drugged out feel of the instrumentation on this Frank Ocean gem is the perfect canvas for Andre to display the vulnerability behind his often-humorous exterior. Linking together line after line of comparisons between love and drug addiction, 3 Stacks’ subdued delivery exposes an eerie sincerity.

Green Light – John Legend

“Green Light” ??? John Legend

Few would deny Andre 3000’s ability to string together lines of audacious wordplay. What makes this verse standout is the imagery created by a braggadocios lyrical back-and-forth conversation between him and an anonymous female. This verse is witty, clever, and just straight up fun.

Walk It Out (Remix) – Unk

“Walk It Out (Remix)” ??? Unk

If you thought you would never have to think about this song ever again, I can definitely understand why you’re confused. However, give the first 90 seconds of the remix a spin and you’ll hear 3 Stacks get far more philosophical than you would expect from anybody on an Unk track. Andre’s ability to bring lyrical intrigue to a one-hit wonder club record is no small feat.

International Players Anthem – UGK

“International Players Anthem” UGK

Andre tends to bring a wide variety of flows to every feature verse, and “International Players Anthem” is no different. He spits inspirational lines like “no lookin’ back, spaceships don’t come with rearview mirrors???” with an honesty that few others could pull off.

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